The 23rd meeting of the Steering group of PA 11 Security was held on 11 July 2023 in an on-line environment. It was chaired by PAC from the Ministry of Interior, for Sport and Integration – Bavaria
The following EUSDR countries participated: PAC from Bavaria (represented by Alexander Resch), PAC from Germany (F. Reiner), NC Germany (Dr. Stephan Waggershauser), representative of the PAC Team Bulgaria, Austria, Baden-Württemberg / Germany/, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Czech-Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine.
In addition, there were representatives of EU Commission DG Regio, EUSDR PA 1a Waterland mobility, Interpol, SELEC and the DSP pillar officer.
The following main topics were addressed: the overall development at the level of EUSDR during the first half of 2023 (communication, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation), the further cooperation with PA 1a Waterland Mobility, possibilities and tools of Interpol to assist the countries within the Danube Region; opportunities and challenges for PA 11 in view of the forthcoming launch of the Seed Money Facility; the outcomes of the Slovak Presidency of the V4 Group and the Salzburg Forum. The perspective of the Danube Youth Council was presented by one of its members who follows the developments within PA 11.
The next meeting will be held in November 2023 and will be chaired by the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria.