The EUSDR is implemented, among others, through Flagships. Danube Strategy Flagships are projects or processes that exemplarily highlight the implementation of the EUSDR Action Plan, have a clear macro-regional dimension and a multi-level governance approach
In terms of structure, a Danube Strategy Flagship can be, one of the following types:
- project (single or interlinked/continuous)
- process
- network
- platform
In terms of implementation status, a Danube Strategy Flagship can be in one of the following phases:
- In planning/preparatory phase (substantial activities for preparing future projects/processes are still ongoing or a project is under application; there is no funding contract signed yet)
- In implementation/ongoing phase (preparatory activities are completed, the project/process has been approved for funding or has secured funding sources; the actual implementation is about to start soon, has started or is ongoing)
- Completed (project/process is finished with published outcomes)
The first List of Approved Danube Flagships was published last year on the webpage of the Danube Strategy and can be access through the following link
Danube Strategy Flagships – EUSDR – Danube Strategy Point (
PA 11 listed one project in this category, namely Collaboration for Dismantling Drugs Distribution and Illicit Laboratories – the CO3DIL project
The project was led by the The Police of the Czech Republic, main partners were Polish police, Slovak police, Bulgarian police and Serbian police.
The Project was aiming at the dismantling of illegal drug meth labs in the EU and any criminal activities overlapping the supply of precursors and other active chemical substances for the production of methamphetamine-crystal. It was in line with Target I from our Action Plan – Action 2: To enhance the cooperation in the area of combating illicit drug smuggling
The project focused on international cooperation in the field of detection of illegal laboratories for the production of methamphetamine, including trade in precursors and chemical substances for its production and subsequent distribution networks. The project has been instrumental in linking available information on methamphetamine illicit drug markets in Europe, deepening law enforcement cooperation and naming production, distribution and user trends in this area.
The central motive of the project was operational cooperation in criminal proceedings. During the two years that the project was implemented, 18 operational meetings were held on specific cases, 7 joint operational measures, 18 methamphetamine laboratories were seized and 67 perpetrators were apprehended. Furthermore, five expert meetings with a professional educational program were held in order to create a network of experts covering the issue. All shared experiences have been summarized in a methodological manual that unifies the process of detecting and documenting methamphetamine production and distribution across European police forces and is one of the tools for effective international police cooperation.
The project was recognized and labelled as an EUSDR project during the 18th SG meeting held in Prague in November 2018.
In 2023 PA 11 resubmitted the CO3DIL project for 2023 Danube Flagship.