We are happy to announce that on 10 of July 2020 the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior in its capacity of a Lead partner signed the subsidy contract No DTP-PAC2-PA 11 under the Project DTP Support to Project Area Coordinators of Priority Area 11 “Security” of the EUSDR.
The application form for this project was approved by the DTP Monitoring Committee on 3rd of March 2020.
The project partner is the Ministry of Interior, for Sport and Integration of Bavaria.
The project start date is 01 January 2020 and the project end date is 31 December 2020. The project activities have to be carried out and finalized within this period.
The total project budget amounts to 346 100 euro. The maximum contribution awarded under the European Union Development Fund is 295 185 euro. The co-financing rates for the EU funds the partners cannot exceed 85 %.
The project aims at providing support to PACs of EUSDR PA 11 in performing its management activities related to the Strategy Implementation: day-to-day coordination between PACs and Steering Group members; preparation of Steering Group meetings, involvement in the work of EUSDR Presidency and the Danube Strategy Point, participation of the EUSDR Annual Fora, etc. The project will also contribute to policy development by organising specific events linked to the implementation of the PA 11 Targets and Actions and the revised EUSDR Action Plan. A separate financial package will be foreseen to enhance horisontal cooperation with priority areas with which PA 11 has established common initiatives. Therefore the overall aim of the project is to work together to tackle security and organised crime within the Danube region. In the light of the above, the international cooperation between all stakeholders is a core part within the project. By achieving this solid framework cooperation and regular mechanisms for information exchange the project will influence positively the security environment of the EUSDR States.